Like Father, like Son by Quin Perin


Surprise, it’s a boy!

I never wanted to know him.
Never even suspected his existence.
But once I knew, I had to see him.
Had to see if it was true.

He has your eyes, your hair, your dimples.
Timothee is everything I used to be, full of life, full of joy.
He’s also a sassy little sh*t.
He has me wrapped around his fingers, so damn easily.

My boy? He’s trouble.
What we share is all kinds of wrong, even if it feels oh so right.


Daddy Kink, Taboo relationship

Rich Kids by Quin Perin


What if someday you wake up and the one person you can’t have is the one you want the most?

My name is Nathaniel Preston. Second son of the Preston estate.

I’ve been raised to be perfect, to be ahead of every game, to do no wrong. Sem, my crass and vain older half-brother, is the complete opposite of me. All he seeks is his next high. To get there, he cheats, blackmails, and seduces.

Which wouldn’t be a problem, if one day he didn’t decide to tape me in a very compromising position…

* * *

I am Semuel Preston, eldest son of the Preston estate.

I have cut all cords to my family except for my brother: Nate. He is the only good thing to come from the Preston name. He’s the sun to my sky, the apple of my eye. And a thousand miles away. Still, I bring him to his knees. I am his King. His God. Forever?


Forbidden love, Enemies to lovers, Taboo relationship